1 . What is haytnir.am platform (website)?
Haytnir.am platform (website)) is an online platform to quickly respond to applications (reports) submitted by the whistleblower about corruption risk, corruption cases, or conflict of interest of public servant, or code of conduct, or incompatibility requirements, or other restrictions, or declaration, or other apparent violations, and a channel to direct the complaints to the competent authorities for examination. A high level of protection (security) of submitted applications is provided here. A combination of programs encodes the information presented and therefore protects it from outside interference. The whistleblowers can inform anonymously and report information regarding the above-mentioned alleged offenses or in case of reasonable suspicions of such offences.
2 . How was the haytnir.am platform created and who runs it?
Haytnir.am platform has been developed in the framework of the “Multifaceted Whistle-Blowing Promotion in Armenia” project implemented with the support of the European Union and the “Open Government Partnership Europe” Foundation.The Armenian Lawyers’ Association is the copyright holder of the methodology of the platform. The Armenian Lawyers’ Association operates the platform.
3 . Who can submit a report?
Any person can submit a report, including representatives of state and local self-government, private companies and non-commercial organizations, as well as other persons who have encountered corruption risks, corruption cases, conflicts of interest, or rules of conduct by public servants in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, or alleged violation and/or other alleged violations of incompatibility requirements, or other restrictions, or declarations, or have information regarding the above-mentioned cases.
4 . In what cases can I submit a report? What is the scope of cases to be reported on the haytnir.am platform?
You can submit a report regarding any corruption risk encountered in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, an incident of a corrupt nature, a conflict of interest by a public servant, or an apparent violation of a code of conduct, or incompatibility requirement, or other restriction, or declaration, or other apparent violations, or you have information on any of the above-mentioned cases.
5 . In what cases can I not submit a report?
You may not submit a report if your application does not relate to a corruption risk or incident of corruption, or an apparent violation of a conflict of interest or code of conduct or incompatibility requirement or other restriction or declaration by a public official, or other apparent violations (cases) and is out of the scope of regulations of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Whistle-Blowing System”. You can familiarize yourself with the mentioned terms in more detail in the subsection Awareness" of section Awareness of the website. Reports for cases outside this scope will not be processed.
6 . Which details are mandatory for submitting a report?
Mandatory data for submitting a report are: information and full name of the body or organization or its legal status or public servant with whom the problem arose, the address of the body or organization's place of activity, which of the cases to be reported on the haytnir.am platform has occurred, a brief description of the case, and information on the date the case occurred.
If the report refers to a specific public servant, then together with the above-mentioned information, it should be mentioned in which body or organization the public servant who has committed an apparent violation or other offense works (holds a position).
Filling in the above-mentioned information is sufficient to complete the report and to submit it.
7 . Which details are not mandatory for submitting a report, but I can also submit them?
The submission of more detailed information – on the hour, specific location of the problem that has arisen, on how the whistleblower has been informed about the problem, is not mandatory data for submitting a report. In order to process the application more quickly, it is recommended to attach relevant documents, photos and other evidences regarding the case. In addition, you can also fill in your personal information (including first name, last name, place of work, position, contact information) and submit the report if you do not want to remain anonymous.
8 . Is it mandatory to submit evidence?
Submitting documents, photos and other evidence of the case or alleged violation or alleged offense is not required, but we encourage you to do so, as it will assist in the consideration of your report. However, in the event when necessary materials are needed for carrying out the administration, and which may be of significant importance for the resolution of the report, and which the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and/or the competent body can obtain only from you, then the submission of additional evidence is mandatory. In this case, if they are not attached during the submission of the report, and you submitted your application through indicating your data (not anonymously), then the Armenian Lawyers’ Association of and/or the competent authority may contact you to request these documents. Therefore, bearing in mind the fact that it is possible to submit the application anonymously, in which case the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and/or the competent authority cannot contact you, so once again we urge you to submit any evidence in your possession.
9 . Do I need a lawyer?
The participation of a lawyer is not mandatory. Nevertheless, it is at your discretion. During the further examination of the application, you can appear through a representative (lawyer).
10 . How is the confidentiality of the report and the whistleblower maintained?
You can apply to haytnir.am whistle-blowing platform in two ways: submitting your data (reveal your identity) or anonymously.
However, for getting a higher degree of protection it is recommended to submit the report by hiding the Internet Protocol (IP) Address of your device. There are various ways to hide the web browser address of your device that are free and available to anyone.
The most common of them is the reporting through a non-standard network browser created for the purpose of protection against unauthorized access by third parties, for example, the TOR browser designed to conceal information from third persons. In addition, some standard web browsers now also allow hiding the IP address of your device through a built-in Virtual Private Network (VPN) channel using additional settings. In the case of applications submitted with these options, it will not be possible to find out your identity, and your anonymity will be ensured. Depending on the operating system you use, you can choose any of the mentioned options. You can find more detailed information in the "How to hide the Internet Protocol (IP) Address" of your device section.
At the same time, regardless of whether you have chosen to encrypt the web address of your device or to submit an anonymous application without encryption, we will maintain the confidentiality of your application, unless your application involves criminal conduct.
11 . Is it free to submit a report?
Yes. A number of non-standard browsers, such as the TOR browser, are free and available to anyone.
12 . What is a standard browser and non-standard browsers such as TOR?
A standard web browser is any search engine where the Internet Protocol Address (IP) address is not concealed and the data is not encrypted, so it is possible to identify the applicant. Examples of standard web browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc.
The TOR browser is designed to protect information from third persons. TOR conceals your IP address and encrypts the data. TOR browser is free and available to everyone. A standard browser is any search system, where the IP address is not concealed, and which does not encrypt the data, for example: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox.
Non-standard web browsers, such as the TOR browser is designed to protect information from third persons. TOR conceals your IP address and encrypts the data.
Meanwhile, some standard web browsers also allow you to hide the Internet Protocol address of your device through a built-in Virtual Private Network (VPN) channel using additional settings.
13 . Which option is more preferable: report anonymously or reveal my identity?
Both options have their advantages.
The advantage of applying anonymously is that anonymity and confidentiality are ensured in this way, so submitting an application cannot cause negative consequences for the applicant, including exposure to harmful actions, including possible tension in the work environment.
At the same time, disclosure of the name is encouraged, as it will contribute to the solution of the submitted application, in particular, it will be possible to identify the applicant, to contact him, to obtain additional information that will help to quickly examine the application.
14 . In which cases can the identity of a whistleblower be revealed?
The identity of a whistleblower can be revealed in the following cases:
a) If a person has voluntarily indicated personal data,
b) If a person has voluntarily presented such detailed information that only he/she can possess within the bounds of reason, for example, indication of the exact time and the name of the official, with whom the problem occurred, in these cases it is logical that the official can identify the report and link it to a particular incident regarding serving a citizen that day,
c) If a person has discussed his/her reported information with the family members, friends, colleagues or others, there is a risk that they may disseminate the given information and the fact that the person has submitted a report.
15 . Can I discuss my reported information with the family members, friends, colleagues or others, or tell them that I have submitted a report?
The submission of the report does not exclude discussion with them, but it is not recommended, as they can disseminate the given information and the fact that you have submitted a report.
16 . What is harmful action against the whistleblower and how to protect from it?
Harmful action is an action or inaction that harms the applicant (whistleblower) or a person affiliated with him/her by terminating the employment contract or transferring him/her to a lower position or reducing his/her position or not providing him/her with work tasks or artificially burdening him/her with instructions or tasks or unnecessarily and illegally interfering with his/her work activities or refusing to apply incentives to him/her or reducing his/her salary or bonuses or causing damage to his/her property or initiating disciplinary proceedings against him/her or subjecting him/her to any other measure of responsibility that will worsen his/her property situation or will not justify property or other promotion expectations or by using or applying other means of influence to as consequences for his/her whistleblowing or aimed at keeping him/her back from whistleblowing.
17 . Who receives the report I submit?
A limited number of specialists and experts of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association receive the application you submitted. The application is examined by the expert who will quickly respond to you regarding the examination of the submitted application and further steps to be taken.
18 . How will my submitted report be used?
If our experts consider that the information in your report is evidence of a breach of legislation, then it will be submitted for discussion with the competent authorities.
If the submitted information contains a potential criminal offence, the report will be submitted to law the enforcement agencies.
19 . What is the competent authority handling the examination of the application?
The competent bodies involved in the examination of applications received through the Haytnir.am platform are: the State and Local Self-Government Bodies of the Republic of Armenia, State and Community organizations, public organizations, within the framework of whose powers and functions the examination is carried out, the issue (case) presented in the application.
20 . How will the submitted application be forwarded to the competent authorities?
The application is re-addressed to the competent body within the framework of whose powers and functions the examination is carried out, the issue (case) presented in the application.
Applications containing features of an alleged crime are submitted to law enforcement agencies, informing the applicant about it.
21 . What is perjury?
According to Article 476 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, perjury is providing false information to the authorized body about an incident of crime or about committing crime by a person.
22 . If I submit inaccurate or incomplete information will this be considered to be false reporting?
If the presented information in the report is not inaccurate and/or incomplete and is not false information (see question 27), the whistleblower will not be subject to liability for false reporting. At the same time, the representatives of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association of can contact the applicant (if the application was submitted indicating the applicant’s data) and ask to provide the necessary information for the consideration of the application.
23 . Will I be subject to liability for false reporting in case of submitting false information?
If the applicant (whistleblower) has realized that the information provided by him is false, then he/she may be held criminally responsible for perjury by law enforcement agencies. At the same time, in the case of anonymous reporting, this will be applicable if the application is submitted without hiding the IP address of the device, which will enable the identity of the applicant to be revealed. At the same time, the haytnir.am platform strongly urges to refrain from submitting any false information or slander, regardless of whether the application (report) is submitted anonymously or by revealing the whistleblower’s data.
24 . After I have submitted the report, how long should I wait before checking the report status?
Within 3 working days after having submitted the report the whistleblower can check the report status which will make it clear whether the report has been accepted or not. It is recommended to check it regularly to get further information, as depending on the nature and the degree of complexity of the case additional time may be required.
Please note that in the event that an administrative proceeding has been initiated based on the submitted application, the period for the implementation of the administrative proceeding is 30 days.
25 . If the submitted report is accepted, will I be informed about the further status of the application?
Yes. It is recommended to regularly check the "check report status" section.
26 . Will you contact me?
After having submitted your report you receive a code which must be used to check your report status. Keep that code secret. For checking the report status it is necessary to visit
here andenter your code.
27 . Is my confidentiality maintained when we are in contact?
28 . If I want to provide additional information, for example if I have got new evidence, how can I do that?
In case of submitting new information (for example, a new document or other evidence), it is necessary to complete the application. If, when submitting the application, the applicant (whistleblower) filled in only mandatory information and wants to add additional information, he will have the opportunity to fill in the application while checking the report status when logging in with a code. However, if the status of the primary submitted application has been closed, then it is necessary to submit a new application through the general procedure.
29 . What happens to my reported information, if the Armenian Lawyers’ Association does not take actions related to it?
In the event that the Armenian Lawyers’ Association transferred the submitted application to the competent body, and the latter fails to take actions related to your reported information, you have the right to appeal against the action or inaction of the competent body in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
The appeal can be made both in the superior court and in the judicial order, depending on the nature of the application. The terms of the appeal in the order of superiority, as well as the decision of the court, claim and trial terms, depend on the nature of the specific legal relationship.
30 . How long is submitted information kept?
The information provided by the applicant (whistleblower) will be stored in our systems and will be used as long as it is necessary for the organization to properly process the notifications raised in them and to achieve the goals of conducting the relevant study.
31 . How is awareness of the anti-corruption and whistle-blowing sectors carried out through the platform?
Awareness of the anti-corruption and whistle-blowing sectors through Haytnir.am platform is carried out. Within its framework the legislative acts, amendments, additions, the planned draft laws in the whistle-blowing sector are presented. The platform also helps to be aware of the whistleblowing system, whistleblower’s rights and statutory remedies and guarantees. Stories of world-famous whistleblowers who helped fight corruption are shared with the public. You can find more detailed information here .
32 . How are anti-corruption and whistle-blowing reforms implemented through the platform?
The information (application) provided by you through the Haytnir.am platform regarding the legislative gaps and existing problems in the anti-corruption field helps us identify the need to implement evidence-based reforms and submit them for consideration by the competent authorities of the Republic of Armenia. You can find more detailed information
33 . What if the claim or incident is business related?
In the event that the problem you encounter is related to the business sector, including tax, customs, licenses and permits, public procurement, etc., you can visit the
https://bizprotect.am/en business sector online whistleblowing platform and submit the report through this platform.
BizProtect website is a unique business sector whistle-blowing website, which enables business representatives to inform about corruption risks and other problems encountered in business, while ensuring their safety. This website uses a high-power information system for protection of reports being submitted. The combination of programs (TOR) encrypts the submitted information and therefore protects it from unauthorized interference.
34 . What to do if the claim or alleged violation relates to the labor sector?
In the event that the problem you encountered relates to problems or apparent violations arising in the labor field, you can visit the https://employeeprotect.am/ labor rights online whistleblowing platform and submit the application through this platform.
The EmployeeProtect.am/en online platform for the protection of workers' rights is launched by the RA Healthcare and Labor Inspectorate. The copyright of the platform methodology belongs to the Armenian Lawyers’ Association. The overall objective of EmployeeProtect.am online platform for the protection of workers' rights is: to strengthen the system of protection of labor rights in the Republic of Armenia.
The anonymity of the whistleblower in the platform is guaranteed by encrypting his/her Internet Protocol Address (IP Address).
35 . Which is the whistle-blowing platform operated by the Republic of Armenia?
https://azdararir.am/en/ is the unified electronic platform for whistle-blowing. It is operated by the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Armenia. According to the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Whistle-Blowing System”, a whistle-blower may anonymously report information about a corruption incident. Through the unified electronic platform for whistle-blowing, the Republic of Armenia, namely the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, guarantees the protection of the whistle-blower by ensuring his or her anonymity. The anonymity of a whistle-blower on the platform is guaranteed by coding his or her Internet Protocol Address.
In case of existence of grounds for verifying the report, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Armenia forwards the document version of the report to the body implementing operational intelligence activities. In addition, the report is subject to verification as prescribed by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On operational intelligence activities”, where the information presented in the report is sufficiently substantiated, concerns a particular official or body and contains data that may be verified.