Our Mission

Succeeding in the fight against corruption requires cooperation and support between the government and society. This collaboration may be manifested in various ways, such as addressing cases of corruption, conflicts of interest among public servants, violations of the code of conduct, incompatibility requirements, or other forms of wrongdoing. Citizens can play a crucial role in this effort by submitting reports, acting as whistleblowers. Our team is ready to receive the applications (reports) submitted by you and provide support to both you and the Government of the Republic of Armenia in addressing these issues and promoting the fight against corruption. Additionally, through the analysis of the reports you submit, we aim to support competent authorities in implementing proven anti-corruption reforms and providing valuable data on developments in the sector.


You can apply to the haytnir.am whistleblowing platform in two ways: by submitting your data or by choosing an anonymous option. If you submit an application through a TOR web browser, your web browser address will be encrypted and not disclosed. Therefore, it will not be possible to reveal your identity.


Quick response

After submitting your application on the haytnir.am whistleblowing platform, our experts will review the provided data, and you can expect a response within three working days.



You can familiarize yourself with legislative acts, amendments, additions, and planned legislative projects in the field. We will assist you in understanding the whistleblowing system, whistleblower rights, and statutory remedies and guarantees. We will share stories of world-famous whistleblowers who have played a crucial role in the fight against corruption.



The data (application) you provide regarding legislative gaps and existing problems in the anti-corruption field can help us identify the need for well-supported reforms. We can then present these recommendations for consideration by the competent authorities of the Republic of Armenia.


Report statistics

Here are the statistics on the number of requests (reports) received through the haytnir.am whistleblowing platform, presented based on results and other criteria.


Number of processed reports


Number of satisfied reports


Number of rejected reports

Latest News


Even in this Difficult Situation, it shows Positive Dynamics: Tigran Yegoryan about Haytnir.am Online Whistleblowing Platform

Citizens face various problems every day. For example, the consequences of ineffective work of investigative bodies or other bodies, they live and deal with them every day. Lawyer Tigran Yegoryan said in an interview with Iravaban.net.

According to the Current Regulations, there are no Incentive Structures for encouraging the Whistleblowers in Armenia: Mariam Zadoyan

The regulations on the possibility of submitting and verifying anonymous whistleblowing and providing with measures protection in case of revealing the identity of anonymous whistleblowers in Armenia in general meet the international standards.

Although there is a Unified Platform for Whistleblowing in Armenia, yet the Internal Whistleblowing Mechanisms are incomplete: Syuzanna Soghomonyan

According to the Law "On the System of Whistleblowing” there are 3 types of whistleblowing: internal whistleblowing, external whistleblowing and whistleblowing to public.

How to report Corruption and other Offences Anonymously?

In the event of learning information regarding any corruption risk encountered in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, an incident of a corrupt nature, a conflict of interest by a public servant, or an apparent violation of a code of conduct, or incompatibility requirement, or other restriction, or declaration, or other apparent violations, or you have information on any of the above-mentioned cases, the citizens can report it through Haytnir.am platform without revealing their identity.

The RA Legislation does not provide for a Number of Guarantees of Additional Protection of Whistleblowers known in International, and in Particular, EU Practice: Mariam Zadoyan

“Implementation of effective mechanisms aimed at the protection of whistleblowers is extreamly important from the point of view of the involvement of whistleblowers in the fight against corruption,” Anti-Corruption Expert Mariam Zadoyan said in the interview with Iravaban.net.

In which Cases can Citizens report the corruption and/or other cases they know through the Haytnir.am website? Do you need a Lawyer?

Citizens can openly and/or anonymously report the corruption and/or other cases they know through the Haytnir.am online reporting platform.

Expert Analyzes aimed at improving the Whistleblowing System

The Armenian Lawyers’ Association, CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia and the Constructive Dialogue Network of Armenian are implementing the “Multifaceted Whistle-Blowing Promotion in Armenia” project with the support of the European Union and the “Open Government Partnership Europe” Foundation. Within the framework of the project, among other things, expert analyzes aimed at improving the whistleblower system were carried out as well.

Success Stories

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An Order was issued to “HAPPYSMILE” Company; the Doctor was subjected to Administrative Responsibility: Success Story of Haytnir.am

Website Haytnir.am was launched in 2023, and provides opportunity to the citizens to report openly and anonymously the corruption and other cases that they are aware of.
This platform, which is operated by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, is already receiving alerts and some of those alerts already have solutions.