Training in the Framework of Nationwide Awareness Program in Vanadzor City

On 24 May, the 10th regional training aimed at the improvement of public awareness on the whistle-blowing system was held in the city of Vanadzor of Lori Marz. The training was held within the framework of the nationwide awareness program on communication activities of the Whistle-Blowing System.
Before the beginning of the training, representatives of the RA Ministry of Justice and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association welcomed the participants of local self-government bodies and the regional administration of Lori Marz for their interest in the course.
The background of the introduction of the whistle-blowing system, the obtained results, the raised issues, which essentially formed the basis for the launch of this nationwide program, were presented to the attendants. The overall objective of the whistle-blowing system, the need to change the public perception of the system and the directions were presented as well.
Further, the participants were provided the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the unified whistle-blowing platform operating in the RA, its operating rules, the mechanisms for the protection of privacy and anonymity.
Within the framework of the training, the participants discussed situational issues as well, raised legislative and practical issues regarding the system, which will be taken into account during the development of further reforms and regulations.
The courses are carried out in the framework of cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), with the joint efforts of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO and the Ministry of Justice.
The objective of awareness activities that are carried out in the scope of the campaign is to reduce negative perceptions in relation to whistleblowers, to increase public awareness about the vital role of whistleblowers, as well as to highlight the role of the Unified Electronic Platform for Whistle- Blowing ( in the fight against corruption.
As part of the national campaign, similar educational and awareness activities were carried out in all regions of Armenia, involving civil and community servants and other individuals. Let us note that trainings aimed at the improvement and raising of public awareness on the whistle-blowing system were held in the following cities of ten regions of RA: Sevan, Yeghegnadzor, Goris, Armavir, Hrazdan, Ararat, Gyumri, Ashtarak, Ijevan and Vanadzor. The concluding training for the representatives of Yerevan Municipality will be held on 31 May in Yerevan.
This article was produced with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU) within the framework of the Governance Progress Board measure of the Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform project implemented by GIZ. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Armenian Lawyers Association and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Government or the EU.
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